Friday October 27 CSL Meeting
Oct 26, 2017 - CSL

Not Victoria Ford
Dinosaurs of the Arctic
Presenter: Victoria Ford
Time: Friday 27 October 2017, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Location: 805 O&M
Based on the PBS NOVA special "Arctic Dinosaurs," an overview is presented on these high-latitude reptiles. As outlined in the original special, "most people imagine dinosaurs lurking in warm locales with swamps and jungles, dining on vegetation and each other." But this presentation "reveals that many species also thrived in the harsh environments of the north and south polar regions." We will ponder the "compelling riddle: How did dinosaurs—long believed to be cold-blooded animals—endure the bleak polar environment and navigate in near-total darkness during the long winter months? Did they migrate over hundreds of miles of rough terrain like modern-day herds of caribou in search of food? Or did they enter a dormant state of hibernation, like bears? Could they have been warm-blooded, like birds and mammals?" The researchers of CSL will "converge on the freezing tundra to unearth some startling new answers." (Text source: PBS NOVA)